Schweizerischer Bankenombudsman -

понедельник, 24 апреля 2017 г.


Bern, 24.04.2017 - In 2016, the Swiss Federal Archives (SFA) received some of the documents of the Claims Resolution Tribunal (CRT), the body set up to investigate dormant bank accounts. These documents have now been integrated into the fonds of the SFA and are catalogued on the online search site

The CRT was set up to arbitrate the claims of victims of Nazi persecution or their heirs in respect of Swiss bank accounts. It was closed in 2012. The documents examined by the CRT in the process of identifying Swiss bank accounts have been transferred to the Swiss Federal Archives for cataloguing and conservation. They mainly consist of copies of bank documents and asset statements dating back as far as the 1940s.

The archives are described online, with the exception of documents containing sensitive personal data. These are subject to a 30-year closure period; however, requests to consult them can be made via, and those directly affected have access to their documents at all times.

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