Schweizerischer Bankenombudsman -

пятница, 19 июня 2015 г.

Swiss central bank readies for Grexit 'crisis'

The Swiss National Bank (SNB) is preparing for the possibility of a “crisis scenario” if Greece leaves the eurozone, the central bank’s chairman told German-language state broadcaster SRF on Thursday.

“We are watching the situation very closely, of course, but we still go on the assumption that in Europe a solution can be found,” Thomas Jordan said after the SNB announced that it was maintaining negative interest rates in a bid to weaken the franc.

If a “Grexit” does occur, Jordan said he expected turmoil in the financial markets.

A Eurogroup meeting of finance ministers broke up on Thursday without reaching any deal with Greece on a plan to finance its debts in what Swiss media are describing as a drawn-out “poker game”.

Greece is trying to reach an agreement without introducing more austerity measures, such as cutting pensions for its citizens.

The Swiss franc has played the role of safe haven for some time and the pressure on the currency is only expected to mount further in the case of a Greek exit.

Jordan did not spell out exactly what measures the Swiss central bank would take in such an event.

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