Schweizerischer Bankenombudsman -

среда, 24 июня 2015 г.

Julius Baer-Taxes

(Bloomberg) -- Julius Baer Group Ltd., Switzerland’s third- largest wealth manager, will take a provision of $350 million in the first half of this year to settle claims of tax evasion with the U.S. Justice Department.

“These settlement discussions have now sufficiently advanced to enable Julius Baer to make a preliminary assessment of a probable and approximate amount required to reach a settlement with the Department of Justice,” the Zurich-based bank said in a statement on Tuesday.

While the bank said there is no timetable for a final settlement, two people familiar with the matter said a resolution is at least several weeks away.

The negotiations involve U.S. prosecutors in the Southern District of New York and the Justice Department’s tax division, according to the people, who requested anonymity because the matter isn’t public.

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