Schweizerischer Bankenombudsman -

пятница, 19 декабря 2014 г.

Bank whistleblower sentenced for fake leaks

A former employee of Geneva-based private bank Reyl, has been handed a two year suspended prison for violating confidentiality agreements. He had alleged in 2013 that around 15 French politicians had secret accounts with the bank.

Pierre-Gerbier Condamin admitted sharing financial information and violating trade secrets to the Federal Criminal Court in Bellinzona that pronounced the verdict on Friday.

He also admitted to fabricating the list of French tax evaders and falsifying documents to prove its existence.

In 2013, Condamin claimed that he held a list of well-known French names with undeclared Swiss bank accounts and had testified at a French parliamentary commission investigation into tax evasion charges against former French budget minister Jerôme Cahuzac.

Cahuzac initially denied allegations of wrongdoing but resigned his post after later admitting to holding €600,000 (CHF739,000) in a secret Swiss account.

Reyl filed criminal charges against Condamin for falsifying documents and violating Swiss banking secrecy laws. Arrested in July 2013, he spent two and a half months in custody.

His revelations resulted in Reyl being placed under formal investigation by French prosecutors. and agencies

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